
smart materials



Moscow-based media artist, Dmitry Morozov, better known as ::vtol::, has created one odd instrument that we want to get our hands tattoos on. His most recent project, titled Reading My Body, includes a sound controller that uses tattoos as the source for a musical score.

The device consists of arduino nano, a metal railing, hand controllers, and a black line sensor (on the tattoo). It then moves up and down the arm using a stepper motor to emit sound. The mechanism also includes a Nintendo Wii controller that uses an Open Sound Control mechanism to add more sounds when moved by the hand.

The tattoo is specifically designed to contain “the maximum number of variable time slots between [sensor] triggers.” The speed of the sensors can be controlled manually, giving an infinite number of reading patterns, and thus a variety of noises or even rhythms.

Reading My Body has been displayed in Moscow, Kaliningrad, and Berlin, but no tattoo parlors yet. We’re wondering what it would sound like if this bad boy was set up on a sleeved-up arm, or anyone with a regrettable tramp stamp. Until then, watch a performance of the tattoo-strument in action.




The Smoke Dress triggers attention with its flirty, blinking LEDs and then covers the wearer with fog as soon as people approach. The Smoke Dress functions as a protective shield, the designer says, “just like an octopus in self-defense” envelops itself in clouds of ink.

“Look Solutions’ 630-gram TINY CX is fundamental to the Smoke Dress,” Wipprecht reports. “I needed a wireless, wearable smoke system that could cover the dress with fog when people came close to it. TINY CX met all the requirements for size, ease of use and top performance.”

TINY CX has a warm-up time of less than one second and is easy to handle. At its heart, a microprocessor controls and supervises all important functions for continuous and safe running. The fluid tank is fitted to the housing and filled with original Tiny-fluid, which ensures a dense fog output. The internal battery supplies energy only when necessary greatly increasing operating time. It can produce 10-15 minutes of continuous output or up to 150 puffs of five seconds each.

TINY CX can easily be triggered with one hand: The start button is placed in the device’s lid and can be pressed with the thumb. It can also be operated by cable or radio remote control; with a DMX converter it can be triggered via DMX 512. A timer can program in fog and fog-free sequences.

Wipprecht is considered a rising star in the emerging field of “fashionable technology” or “technological couture,” which combines fashion know-how and style with engineering smarts. Her creations act as “host” systems on the body moving, breathing and reacting to the environment around them. She often displays the nuts-and-bolts of garments on the outside so viewers can witness the unique interactions where technology creates the aesthetics.



Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg is a designer, artist and writer. Seeking new roles for design, Daisy is developing experimental design approaches to help us imagine alternative ideals around technology. Through the design of objects, workshops, and writing and curating, her practice investigates both aesthetic and ethical futures for design. She’s based in London 

How it’s made:
A terminal pathology from a heavy smoker. A new species evolved, combining glass-fibre fabricating bacteria and a carbon monoxide sensor species, still identifiable by its manufacturer’s DNA tag.

pollution sensing lung tumor daisy ginsberg- synthetic kingdom



De ‘Amoebe’-oppervlak aanpassing trainer is een conceptueel prototype dat streeft naar de toekomst van nieuwe materialen afkomstig van protocellen sonde. De studie van protocellen is een nieuwe en opkomende wetenschap die het potentieel heeft om drastisch revolutie de manier waarop we materialen heeft. Wezen, protocellen vervagen de kloof tussen de niet-levende en de levende. Engineering van het ontstaan ​​van leven uit levenloze vloeibare chemicaliën kunstmatig vervaardigd in het laboratorium kan de bouwstenen leveren aan een nieuwe man-made karakter te creëren.

wearable-solar-pauline-van-dongen PHOTO © TEAM PETER STIGTER  FILENAME IS DESIGNER NAME Wearable-Solar-by-Pauline-van-Dongen_dezeen_1sq-1 Wearable-Solar-by-Pauline-van-Dongen_dezeen_3-1 Wearable-Solar-by-Pauline-van-Dongen_dezeen_7 Wearable-Solar-by-Pauline-van-Dongen_dezeen_6 Wearable-Solar-by-Pauline-van-Dongen_dezeen_5 Wearable-Solar-by-Pauline-van-Dongen_dezeen_4 Wearable-Solar-by-Pauline-van-Dongen_dezeen_3 Wearable-Solar-by-Pauline-van-Dongen_dezeen_1sq


Dutch fashion designer Pauline van Dongen has created a dress and a jacket with hidden solar cells that can be revealed and used to charge a mobile phone while you wear them.

Pauline van Dongen collaborated with Christiaan Holland from the HAN University of Applied Sciences and solar energy expert Gert Jan Jongerden on the Wearable Solar project, which aims to show how photovoltaic technology could be seamlessly integrated into comfortable and fashionable clothing.

“Wearable Solar is about integrating solar cells into fashion so by augmenting a garment with solar cells, the body can be an extra source of energy,” Van Dongen told Dezeen at the Wearable Futures event in London. “It’s really about the true integration of technology and fashion which can transcend the realm of gadgets.”

The dress features 72 flexible cells attached to panels on the front of garment that can be folded outwards to capture sunlight, while 48 rigid crystal solar panels are incorporated into leather flaps on the jacket’s shoulders and waist so they can be revealed when the sun shines and hidden when not in use.

A standard charging plug connects the solar panels directly to a mobile device, and Van Dongen claimed that a garment exposed to direct sunlight for one hour could store enough energy to charge a typical smartphone to 50 percent capacity.

By experimenting with flexible photovoltaic cells, Van Dongen said the comfort and weight of these garments could be improved, adding that other hardware such as batteries also needs to be developed before wearable technology will become part of everyday life.

“Wearability is very important to my work because I am a fashion designer,” explained Van Dongen. “We’re dealing here with the human body and it’s not just a static body, it’s dealing with movement and expressions, a sensory surface so it’s very important to stress the wearability.”

The project is being presented at the Wearable Futures event in London and the project team are currently seeking investment to translate it into a commercially viable enterprise.

“We’re not very far away from people actually wearing these garments that I design,” said Van Dongen. “I think it’s important to see which technologies are really ready to be implemented, how people would deal with them, how people would feel in those clothes, what it could mean to them.”

“And of course looking at the cost of these technologies. If you’re integrating 80 solar cells then of course you’re adding to the cost and you have to look at how much people are willing to pay for it.”




Interactieve lift

De lift is een groot mechanisch ding dat mensen dwingt in elkaars comfort zone te staan, dus gebruikers hebben de neiging tegen de muren van de lift te gaan staan ​​om afstand te houden.

Deze interactieve lift maakt je aanwezigheid in de lift zichtbaar, en laat als het ware een merk achter. Deze verdwijnt na een tijdje weer.

Een warmte- reactief garen laat de kleur veranderen wanneer de draden warm zijn, een warm lichaam bijvoorbeeld zal een lichtgekleurd silhouet vertrekken . Contact met koele lucht verandert het garen terug naar zijn oorspronkelijke kleur. Dankzij de kleur veranderende muren ,  is de lift  in een constante staat van verandering.
