1/ COLLECTIVE RESEARCH – Threeasfour Mer Ka Ba

09/2013 MER KA BA Exhibition, The Jewish Museum (New York City)

A Ready-to-wear collection by the design collective threeASFOUR.

“It reveals the varied visual aspects of Nature and its inherent sacred geometries through a topographic approach. Within the collection, surface shapes, elevations and textures relate to each other as well as to the terrain of the human body.””The archetypal language of sacred geometry, which is inherent in nature’s design, is a key in understanding the universe from the microcosm (which is within), to the macrocosm (which includes everything that surrounds us)’. The New York based trio of fashion designers Gabriel Asfour, Adi Gil, and Angela Donhauser, have created a collection of 3D printed, laser cut silk and origami folded dresses that reflect their origins from Lebanon, Israel and Tajikistan, respectively. When put together, are symbolic of the energy fields that the body transitions through as it ascends to a higher plane.’


Lasercut, 3D printer, fabric, origami folding, mirrored structure and projections.


A collection of 3D printed, laser cut silk and origami folded dresses that reflect the origins of their homelands. The trio explored new mediums in mirrored structures and projections. The structures reflects on itself and forms a multi-dimensional pointed star, aka a hexagram. The installation represents material and spiritual worlds, symbolic for the energy of the human body.


The geometric patterns make us feel connected to the dimensions of all things created. The installation invites visitors into a moody and textural space, this space represents the geometrics in the sacred synagogues and mosques. The clothes are both wearable art and a platform for their free-spirited philosophy.

They combine something rather new, innovative, and techy with old spiritual believes and ancient cultures.


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